Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Group Proposal - 4283 Words
Learning with ADHD 1 Running Head: Learning with ADHD Learning with ADHD: Group Proposal HS5241 Group Counseling and Psychotherapy 1246 PineCrest Ave Hagerstown, Md. 21740 Telephone: 240-217-7757 Email: Snalley06@yahoo.com Instructor: Tina Pone Learning with ADHD 2 Title The Journey: Learning with ADHD. Background/Justification Children with ADHD are in need of a group that will help to improve their academic functioning. This group would be important for children with ADHD because those with ADHD have significant impairment in multiple domains of functioning. â€Å"The most problematic is academic impairments because children with ADHD will most likely be retained, placed in special education, and drop out of school†¦show more content†¦Langberg, Epstein, Urbanowicz, Simon, and Graham (2008) is in agreement with Smith et al. (1998) that children with ADHD will display off tasks, impulsive, and disruptive behaviors in the classroom (Langberg, Epstein, Urbanowicz, Simon, amp; Graham, 2008). Also, Raggi and Chronis (2006) state that academic difficulties for children and adolescents with ADHD include failure to complete homework, poor comprehension of material, poor study skills, low test and quiz grades, poor preparation for class, disruptive behavior, peer conflict, and conflict with teachers (Rag gi amp; Chronis, 2006). Adolescents can also experience new sets of problems due to physical and social maturity such as automobile accidents, traffic tickets, difficulty in romantic relationships, vocational problems, and substance use and abuse (Evans, Timmins, Sibley, White, Serpell, amp; Schultz, 2006). Although these problems usually do not occur until high school, these negative outcomes usually start in middle school (Evans, Timmins, Sibley, White, Serpell, amp; Schultz, 2006). Children and adolescents with symptoms of hyperactivity can have an effect on their academic functioning such as difficulty staying seated in the classroom; excessive fidgeting; greater touching of objects; and playing noisily (Raggi amp; Chronis, 2006). Negative consequences can occur because of hyperactivity such as increased discipline and negative teacher attributions in the classroom and lowerShow MoreRelatedTeens and Depression/Group Proposal and Literature Review2582 Words  | 11 PagesGroup Proposal and Literature Review U07a1 03/08/13 Introduction Depression is a disorder that affects the lives of hundreds of thousands teenagers in the United States. Kuehn, B. (2009) states that the â€Å"US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening adolescents aged 12 through 18 years for depression, but only when systems are in place to ensure proper diagnosis and to provide psychotherapy and follow-up care†(p. 2085). Adolescents need to be heard and understood. 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