Wednesday, August 26, 2020
History, Names, and Role of Dogs in Japanese Culture
History, Names, and Role of Dogs in Japanese Culture The Japanese word for hound is inu. You can compose inu in either hiragana or kanji, however since the kanji character for hound is very straightforward, take a stab at figuring out how to compose it in kanji. Common Japanese canines incorporate Akita, Tosa, and Shiba breeds. The onomatopoeic expression for a mutts bark is wan-wan. In Japan, the canine is accepted to have been trained as right on time as the Jomon time frame (10,000 B.C.). White mutts are believed to be particularly propitious and regularly show up in people stories, (for example, Hanasaka jiisan). In the Edo time frame, Tokugawa Tsuneyoshi, the fifth shogun and a fervent Buddhist, requested the security everything being equal, particularly hounds. His guidelines concerning hounds were outrageous to such an extent that he was derided as the Inu Shogun. A later story is the story of Hachiko, the chuuken or devoted pooch from the 1920s. Hachiko met his lord at Shibuya station toward the finish of each workday. Significantly after his lord kicked the bucket one day at work, Hachiko kept on hanging tight at the station for a long time. He turned into a mainstream image of commitment. After his demise, Hachikos body was placed in a historical center, and there is a bronze sculpture of him before Shibuya station. Basic expressions alluding to inu are as basic in Japan as they are in the West. Inujini, to bite the dust like pooch, is to kick the bucket inanely. To consider somebody a canine is to blame the person in question for being a government operative or trick. Inu mo arukeba bou ni ataru or when the pooch strolls, it stumbles into a stick is a typical saying, implying that when you stroll outside, you might meet with a startling fortune. Kobanashi: Ji no Yomenu Inu Here is a kobanashi (amusing story) named Ji no Yomenu Inu, or The Dog That Can’t Read.†Inu no daikiraina otoko ga, tomodachi ni kikimashita.†Naa, inu ga itemo heiki de tooreru houhou wa nai darou ka.††Soitsu wa, kantanna koto sa.Te no hira ni tora to iu ji o kaite oite, inu ga itara soitsu o miseru n da.Suruto inu wa okkanagatte nigeru kara.††Fumu fumu. Soitsu wa, yoi koto o kiita.†Otoko wa sassoku, te no hira ni tora to iu ji o kaite dekakemashita.Shibaraku iku to, mukou kara ookina inu ga yatte kimasu.Yoshi, sassoku tameshite yarou.Otoko wa te no hira o, inu no mae ni tsukidashimashita.Suruto inu wa isshun bikkuri shita monono, ookina kuchi o akete sono te o gaburi to kandan desu. Tsugi no hello there, te o kamareta otoko ga tomodachi ni monku o iimashita.†Yai, oame no iu youni, te ni tora to iu ji o kaite inu ni meseta ga, hore kono youni, kuitsukarete shimatta wa.†Suruto tomodachi wa, kou iimashita.†Yare yare, sore wa fuun na koto da. Osoraku sono inu wa, ji no yomenu inu darou.†Sentence structure In the above story, â€Å"fumu fumu,†â€Å"yoshi,†and â€Å"yare yare†are Japanese interpositions. â€Å"Fumu fumu†can be deciphered as, â€Å"Hmm,†or, â€Å"I see.†â€Å"Yare yare,†depicts a moan of help. Here are a few models. Yoshi, sore ni kimeta: OK, I am sold on that idea!Yoshi, hikiukeyou: All right, I will take it on.Yare yare, yatto tsuita: Well, here we are at last.Yare yare, kore de tasukatta: Hallelujah! We are protected finally.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Write an analysis on the story barn burning by William faulkner Essay
Compose an examination on the story horse shelter consuming by William faulkner - Essay Example Constrained by his propensity, he gets irritated with De Spain’s mentality and he drops some pony droppings on his over the top expensive floor covering. De Spain requests that he give him 20 bushels of corn against the charge of the floor covering. Angry, Abner sues him and the court requests to give De Spain 10 bushels of corn rather than 20. Abner still incensed chooses to set the De Spain’s outbuilding ablaze. Sarty prevents his dad from fouling up however when he doesn't tune in, he cautions De Spain and flees and never thinks back towards his family again (Wilson 434). The story has been a standout amongst other selling of now is the right time. It was likewise adjusted to a short film in 1980, which was a lot of adored the world over. The story fundamentally gives trusting in what is correct and never remaining by untruths and misrepresentation. It is essentially demonstrated that the Snopes’ family totally depends on one another in right or wrong choices. The family is by all accounts living in their own reality which is outside society esteems and even outside law, instead of on conventional estimations of good and bad. Despite the fact that it’s your own dad, one should stand what is correct in every case regardless of whether they are remaining solitary. Family dependability is significant yet what is progressively significant is that you never allow anyone to questions your genuineness, trustworthiness and honesty. This will make you away from your family every so often, however there will come when the family will be brought together and you will get the award of your great deeds. The story has nicely recorded characters, the principle being the dad, Abner Snopes and the child, Sarty Snopes. A harmony requesting judge is referenced twice at various events. The primary individual who whined was named Mr Harris and the second was the individual that was sued who additionally was the new landowner De Spain. Referenced just one are Sarty’s mother, his two sisters, his sibling and his auntie. The characters have not been over done by the essayist.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
A Weekend in New York
A Weekend in New York [by Davie Rolnick 12, Guest Blogger] Glory be to MIT! The Arts Scholars went to see Wagner at the Met! A weekend-long trip to New York, centered around the Metropolitan Operas new production of Das Rheingold, directed by Robert Lepage. Here is some background, so you understand why I am so excited. Rheingold is the first opera (Wagner called it the prelude) in the massive 4-opera cosmos-encompassing saga known as the Ring Cycle. It is the tiddler of the bunch, lasting but a single act and being only two and a half hours long. But the opera is self-standing and utterly awesome perhaps my favorite opera of all time. I tend to listen to it on loop while writing long math papers It is effectively a continual piece of music. No intermission, no dialogue, not even any distinct songs it flows, and holds together by the use of little musical ideas called leitmotifs (of which there are many dozens) which represent particular characters or ideas. The plot features giants, dwarves, Norse gods, and epic-scale lust for the power caught up in a little golden ring (Tolkien denies getting any inspiration from Wagner) Here is the villain of the Ring Cycle, Alberich (the head dwarf), currently engaged in stealing the magical gold from the Rhein with which he will fashion the Ring of power. And so now to the afternoon of April 2, and the arrival at Lincoln Center after a comfortably squashed trip in the Boston-NYC Megabus. The Met is pretty magnificent even without Wagner. It is filled with red-velvet staircases, tidy little balconies, filigree, crystal chandeliers in the shape of snowflakes, and in this case, a surprisingly large number of MIT affiliates. I ran across many friends outside Arts Scholars who turned out also to be going to this production. But we were going for free! :-) And we had our own personal expert to guide us through the leitmotifs Professor Lowell Lindgren, glorious professor of music history, teacher of the class 21M.273 (Opera!). The Met isnt it pretty? Wagner is big. Very big. If you need to know one thing about Wagner, that might be it. The orchestra we saw had six harps, a band of guys playing anvils, and a number of instruments that Wagner invented. When Rheingold originally premiered, it premiered in a theatre Wagner built specially for it. True to form, the production we were seeing involved a set weighing 45 tons They had to build a new stage at the Met just so it wouldnt collapse. Why the set was so heavy was because it consisted of huge metal bars that were rotated in various ways by computer, then projected onto to create, by turns, the bottom of a river, a gaping chasm in the earth, clouds, etc. The singers were at times literally hauled up these metal bars by winches. How one can be a graceful Rheinmaiden while suspended 30 feet in the air I will never know, but they managed it. Three spectacular singers managing to be graceful Rheinmaidens while suspended 30 feet in the air. Powerful singers (you need to be a very very powerful singer in order to sing Wagner since you are singing over the entire orchestra) met a powerful orchestra and behold they were audible and sounded beautiful as well. Humor in the staging kept the production from collapsing under its own weight. (For instance, having gods slide flaming headfirst down a great slope onto the stage, is, it turns out, a remarkably amusing thing.) At any rate, a completely full house at the Met cheered wildly when the show was complete. Since this blog post is already obscenely long, I will refrain from talking about the other things we did in New York whilst there, but suffice it to say a most marvelous time was had by all. And hoorah for Wagner!!!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Appeal to (Irrelevant) Authority (Logical Fallacy)
The appeal to (false or irrelevant) authority is a fallacy in which a rhetor (public speaker or writer) seeks to persuade an audience not by giving evidence but by appealing to the respect people have for the famous. Also known as ipse dixit and ad verecundiam, which means he himself said it and argument to modesty or respect respectively, appeals to authority rely entirely upon the trust the audience has as a speakers integrity and expertise on the matter at hand. As W.L. Reese puts it in Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, though, not every appeal to authority commits this fallacy, but every appeal to an authority with respect to matters outside his special province commits the fallacy. Essentially, what he means here is that although not all appeals to authority are fallacies, most are  especially by rhetors with no authority on the topic of discussion. The Art of Deception Manipulation of the general public has been a tool of politicians, religious leaders and marketing experts alike for centuries, utilizing appeal to authority often to support their causes with little to no evidence for doing so. Instead, these figureheads use the art of deception to leverage their fame and recognition as a means to validate their claims. Have you ever wondered why actors like Luke Wilson endorse ATT as Americas largest wireless phone coverage provider or why Jennifer Aniston appears in Aveeno skincare commercials to say its the best product on the shelves? Marketing firms often hire the most famous A-list celebrities to promote their products for the sole purpose of using their appeal to authority to convince their fans that the product they endorse is worth buying. As Seth Stevenson posits in his 2009 Slate article Indie Sweethearts Pitching Products, Luke Wilsons role in these ATT ads is straight-up spokesman  the [ads] are horribly misleading. The Political Con Game As a result, it is important for audiences and consumers, especially in the political spectrum, to be doubly aware of the logical fallacy of merely trusting someone on their appeal to authority. In order to discern truth in these situations, the first step, then, would be to determine what level of expertise the rhetor has in the field of conversation. For instance, the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, often cites no evidence in his tweets condemning everyone from political opponents and celebrities to supposed illegal voters in the general election. On November 27, 2016, he famously tweeted In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally. However, no evidence exists that verify this claim, which only sought to alter public opinion of his opponent Hillary Clintons 3,000,000-vote lead over him in the popular vote count of the 2016 U.S. election, calling her victory illegitimate. Questioning Expertise This is certainly not unique to Trump  in fact, a large majority of politicians, especially while in public forums and on-the-spot television interviews, use an appeal to authority when facts and evidence are not readily available. Even criminals on trial will use this tactic to attempt to appeal to the empathetic human nature of the jury in order to sway their opinion despite contradictory evidence. As Joel Rudinow and Vincent E. Barry put it in the 6th edition of Invitation to Critical Thinking, no one is an expert on everything, and therefore no one can be trusted on their appeal to authority every time. The pair comment that whenever an appeal to authority is introduced, it is wise to be aware of the area of expertise of any given authority  and to be mindful of the relevance of that particular area of expertise to the issue under discussion. Essentially, in every case of appeals to authority, be mindful of those tricky appeals to irrelevant authority  just because the speaker is famous, doesnt mean he or she knows anything real about what theyre saying.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Brachiation Project Free Essays
Postcolonial Indices: Brachia Index Monterey Peninsula College Keywords: Hummer, skeletal Indices, locomotion, arboreal, fabrication, Biped, Quadruped, Percolator Abstract I measured multiple Hummer and radiuses from multiple mammals Including H. S. Sapiens In order to correlate a hypothesis on how they move using their Individual brachia indexes. We will write a custom essay sample on Brachiation Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now Generally speaking fabrication is associated with the major alterations in the arm, thorax and hand. The more powerful the arm movements, more robust and â€Å"stronger†the stabilizing musculature must be. Materials and Methods The materials I used included a lightweight field esoteric board, and a pair of spreading calipers. I measured the length of the radius from the Proximal Epiphysis to the Distal Epiphysis and recorded the length in millimeters. I then did the same for the hummers. I then found the fabrication Index by using the equation (R) Radius length / (H) Hummers length X 100 or R/H(OHIO). I did this for the Sea Otter (Anhydride ultra), Human (H. S. It Is one of the many Indexes we use to see how the animal moves. For example we can assume that all of the mammals on the list above besides the human and otter, are in some form swinging from trees because of the higher index. We can take the assumptions to another level. If the arms are longer then the legs then we can assume the animal will be a knuckle walking and fist walking. If the legs are longer than the arm then we can assume bipedal. If the legs are longer then the arms then we can assume leaping and arboreal. Discussion I found that there are several types of fabricators. The gibbons and the signings primarily use arm swinging as a way of getting around and are said to be the best kinds of fabricators. Although the fabricator Indexes Imply that humans and chimpanzees are not the best on the charts they are certainly capable, but they do to practice this as their primary source of locomotion. We as humans are the only ones dedicated to only using bipedal does not mean that the other primates are to upright almost human like. Non-human primates use bipedal locomotion when carrying food. One hypothesis for human bipedal is that it evolved as a result of successful survival from carrying food to share with group members. The Chimpanzees forearm is relatively long in comparison to the humans. The major differences between chimpanzees and humans limbs are contrasts in relative proportion. Some anthropologists believe that fabrication could be a premeditation o bipedal. It was astonishing to me that humans brachia index is so similar to an otters but the otter was in no way designed to swing from a tree. It is also baffling to understand that a ring-tailed lemur, highest on the brachia scale, is closer on this index to an otter then too human. But we have the ability to climb and swing if we so desire. So it poses the question as to why the brachia index of the otter says it could swing from trees but the otter has yet to evolve this desire to do so. So what we can conclude from the brachia index is that the environment plays a significant role in evolving the ways in which animals move. Reference Elaine N. Evident, W. C. How to cite Brachiation Project, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Harrison Bergeron Study Guide Answers free essay sample
Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in the story or class discussion. oppression-  Be able to define each term and apply each term to the story. calibrated-Mark (a gauge or instrument) with a standard scale of readings. consternation-confused amazement or fear cower-Crouch down in fear. hindrance-A thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone. luminous-Bright or shining, esp. in the dark. synchronizing-Cause to occur or operate at the same time or rate vigilance alert attention,watchfulness ince to shrink/flinch involuntarily especially in pain. anachronism-A thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, esp. a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned. example:In literature, I can quote Shakespeare from Julius Caesar, a play written in the 16th century about events that happened in approximately 100 BC . . . he plucked me ope his doublet and offered them his throat to cut. We will write a custom essay sample on Harrison Bergeron Study Guide Answers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page allusion- An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. xample: â€Å"I am no Prince Hamlet. â€Å" setting-The place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place: a peaceful country setting. example:When the weather was good, I used the tree house in my backyard as an office. What is the setting of the story? Mostly during the day in a populated country. satire-The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize peoples stupidity or vices What is the author satirizing? Harrison looks. point of view- The main theme of the story. theme- related events. From what point of view is the story told? 1st person What is the theme of the story? Everyone should have equal laws but people shouldnt be treated differently. III.  Answer the following questions. 1. What has guaranteed equality in the story? Harrison shooting and demands. 2. How old is Harrison 14 ? 3. What has happened to Harrison and why? He was shot because he demanded to be emperor and everyone should be equal. 4. How has the government made George and Hazel equal? Because theyre married. What does George have to wear? A hearing band. And what does this do? Sends out an noisy sound every 20 sec or so. 5. What does Hazel say she would do if she were Handicap General? Ignore people 6. What is the name of the Handicap General? 7. What is the consequence for taking lessening the weight of the handicap bag? The louder the noise. 8. What reason does George give for not trying to cheat? That he’s sorry. Because of this reason, what can we infer about George’s opinion of the current laws? He hates them. 9. Why wasn’t the news bulletin clear at first to the George and Hazel and other viewers? Because the anchorman was stuttering. 10. Why did the ballerina apologize about her voice? Because it was deep and manly. 11. What is the news bulletin? Harrison is missing. 12. Describe Harrison Bergeron with all of his handicaps? Heavy scrap chains about 300 lbs, glasses that make him half blind,and a headset 13. What does Harrison declare on television? He’s emperor and that every handicap should take off there headset. 14. What happens to Harrison? Be specific. He was dancing with his empress and he was in the air and the general shot him before he reached the floor.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Technology And Society Pros And Cons Essays - Cybernetics
Technology And Society: Pros And Cons The Luddites are a group of people who believe that technology has had a destructive effect on society. People across the world may have a different opinion about whether technology has had a positive or negative effect on society. But I think everyones answer would come out the same: that technology has had more positive effects than negative effects. There are many reasons backing up this statement such as improvements in medicine, the creation of the motorized vehicle, ways for students to do their work, and farming. Although these are just a couple advantages, there are many more. People might first off think that technology has had a bad effect on society. There are good reasons to think this. Back before the revolutions of science and agriculture, time was not a main concern. People did their day-to-day things. They went to work, came home, ate dinner, and went to bed. There were very few things that happened in between those events. They did not have to worry about the time and whether they were going to be late for something. They did not worry about getting something done because there would not be enough daylight. Since we have had this huge increase in technology, time has become a huge factor. Many people will say, there should be more than 24 hours in a day, or something to that degree. Our world now moves so much faster. Clocks are now a bigger concern because we need to know what time it is in order to get this done or that done. Pollution would be another good argument for why technology is a negative impact on society. There never used to be concerns for the o-zone layer. We did not have millions of people driving around in their cars and big factories producing lots of bad chemicals for the air. Today, we have to wonder if our earth will go another hundred years because of the pollution that we now produce as an effect of technology. One the other hand, technology has done great things for us today. What I am doing right now could not be done fifty years ago. If we wanted to write anything, it had to be in hand writing. Now we have these fancy computers, who do all the work for us. But they do more than just write for us. They connect us with people all across the world. They let us travel with out cars, which is one of the biggest advances in technology. Before the invention of the car, people had to travel place to place by horse, horse and buggy, or foot. Now, not only can we travel in our cars, trucks, or whatever we drive, we can scope the world on the internet. Vehicles let us drive from place to place while we just sit in the car steer, give the gas, and break. Technology has allowed us to make the freeways that you and I drive on everyday. Although there are barrels, slow drivers, and exits we have to dodge, motorized vehicles allow us to travel anywhere faster than we could in the past. Farming has change drastically. Before the agriculture revolution, men had to plow the fields using donkeys and walking many miles a day. Now we have tractors and combines that do the work for us. Tractors and combines allow farmers to spend less time in the fields because they can ride in the cab and get the work done in less time. Farmers can work on more fields, which means they can cultivate more fields, create more crops, and collect more money for their family. Medical advances are one of the biggest advances in technology. Twenty years ago, a man that had a liver problem might not have lived because hospitals did not know how to treat his disease. Since the beginning of medical treatments, every year there is a new treatment or they have discovered an antidote for a disease or virus. I bet that in the next twenty years there will be a cure for AIDS. It is only a matter of time. They have found a cure for most of the past
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Donald Trump Biography
Donald Trump Biography Donald Trump is a wealthy businessman, entertainer, real estate developer and president-elect of the United States whose political aspirations made him one of the most polarizing and controversial figures of the 2016 election. Trump ended up winning the election against all odds, defeating Democrat Hillary Clinton, and took office on Jan. 20, 2017. Trumps candidacy for the White House began amid the largest field of presidential hopefuls in 100 years and was quickly dismissed as a lark. But he won primary after primary and quickly became the most unlikely presidential front-runner in modern political history, vexing the pundit class and his opponents alike. Presidential Campaign of 2016 Trump announced he was seeking the Republican presidential nomination on June 16, 2015. His speech was mostly negative and touched on themes such as illegal immigration, terrorism and the loss of jobs that would resonate throughout his campaign over the course of the election cycle. The darkest lines of Trumps speech include: The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.Our country is in serious trouble. We don’t have victories anymore. We used to have victories, but we don’t have them.When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.Sadly, the American dream is dead. Trump largely funded the campaign himself. He was criticized by many leading conservatives who questioned whether he was really a Republican. In fact, Trump had been registered as a Democrat for more than eight years in the 2000s. And he contributed money to the campaigns of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Trump flirted with the idea of running for president in 2012, too, and was leading that years field of Republican White House hopefuls until he polls showed his popularity sinking and he decided against launching a campaign. Trump made headlines when he paid private investigators to travel to Hawaii to search for President Barack Obamas birth certificate amid the height of the birther movement, which questioned his eligibility to serve in the White House. Where Donald Trump Lives Trumps home address is 725 Fifth Avenue in New York City, according to a statement of candidacy he filed with the Federal Election Commission in 2015. The address is the location of Trump Tower, a 68-story residential and commercial building in Manhattan. Trump lives on the top three floors of the building. He owns several other residential properties, however. How Donald Trump Makes His Money Trump runs dozens of companies and serves of numerous corporate boards, according to a personal financial disclosure he filed with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics when he ran for president. He has said he is worth as much as $10 billion, though critics have suggested he is worth much less. And four of Trumps companies sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection over the years. They include the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, New Jersey; Trump Plaza in Atlantic City; Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts; and Trump Entertainment Resorts. Donald Trumps bankruptcy was his way of using the law to save those companies. â€Å"Because I have used the laws of this country just like the greatest people that you read about every day in business have used the laws of this country, the chapter laws, to do a great job for my company, my employees, myself and my family,†Trump said at a debate in 2015. Trump has disclosed tens of millions of dollars in earnings from: Residential and commercial real estate ventures, his most lucrative occupation. Operating the Trump National Golf Club, which maintains 17 golf courses and golf resorts across the world including those in Scotland, Ireland, Dubai.Running the Mar-A-Lago Club resort in Palm Beach, Florida.Owning the Miss Universe pageant, from which he reported $3.4 million in income.Operating restaurants.Operating an ice skating rink in New York City, for which he listed $8.7 million in income.Speaking engagements, some of which bring in $450,000.A pension from the Screen Actors Guild that pays him $110,228 a year, from his roles in movies on television dating back to The Jeffersons in 1981. Trump also appeared in Zoolander and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.His appearances on the reality television show The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice, which paid him $214 million over 11 years, the campaign said. Books By Donald Trump Trump has written at least 15 books about business and golf. The most widely read and successful of his books is The Art of the Deal, published in 1987 by Random House. Trump receives annual royalties valued between $15,001 and $50,000 from sales of the book, according to federal records. He also receives $50,000 and $100,000 in income a year from sales of Time to Get Tough, published in 2011 by Regnery Publishing. Trumps other books include: Trump: Surviving at the Top, published in 1990 by Random HouseThe Art of the Comeback, published in 1997 by Random HouseThe America We Deserve, published in 2000 by Renaissance BooksHow to Get Rich, published in 2004 by Random HouseThink Like a Billionaire, published in 2004 by Random HouseThe Way to the Top, published in 2004 by Bill Adler BooksThe Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received, published in 2005 by Thomas Nelson Inc. The Best Golf Advice I Ever Received, published in 2005 by Random HouseThink Big and Kick Ass, published in 2007 by HarperCollins PublishersTrump 101: The Way to Success, published in 2007 by John Wiley SonsWhy We Want You to Be Rich, published in 2008 by Plata PublishingNever Give Up, published in 2008 by John Wiley SonsThink Like a Champion, published in 2009 by Vanguard Press Education Trump earned a bachelors degree in economics from the prestigious Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Trump graduated from the university in 1968. He had previously attended Fordham University in New York City. As a child, he went to school at the New York Military Academy. Personal Life Trump was born in the New York City borough of Queens, New York, to Frederick C. and Mary MacLeod Trump on June 14, 1946. Trump is one of five children. He has said he learned much of his business acumen from his father. I started off in a small office with my father in Brooklyn and Queens, and my father said - and I love my father. I learned so much. He was a great negotiator. I learned so much just sitting at his feet playing with blocks listening to him negotiate with subcontractors, Trump said in 2015. Trump has been married to Melania Knauss since January 2005. Trump was married twice before, and both relationships ended in divorce. Trumps first marriage, to Ivana Marie ZelnÃ Ä kov, lasted about 15 years before the couple divorced in March 1992. His second marriage, to Marla Maples, an lasted less than six years before the couple divorced in June 1999. Trump has five children. They are: Donald Trump Jr. with first wife Ivana.Eric Trump with first wife Ivana.Ivanka Trump with first wife Ivana.Tiffany Trump with second wife Marla.Barron Trump with third wife Melania.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
How does a community's language reflect its values Essay
How does a community's language reflect its values - Essay Example As anyone visiting an Arab nation might notice, rules are†¦ rigid, to say the least, as a result of its ties to Islam. Women are made to wear veils that leave only the eyes exposed. Alcohol, pornography and other such things are frowned upon, if not prohibited entirely. As for the language itself, some devout Muslims refer to it as the language Allah especially intended mankind to speak. Arabic is the most prevalent Semitic language in the world, spoken by over 500 million people worldwide. But its influence extends even beyond this; even some of the words we use daily, not to mention the conventional numbering system we use (Hindu-Arabic) has been shaped by the Arabic language. Apart from being divided into classical, modern and colloquial, the Arabic language is further divided into a bunch of dialects than differ, sometimes immensely so, from one another. As such, different varieties of it are suited for different situations. As with any other language, it’s not uncommon to hear someone switch from colloquial Arabic to standard and then back again. Just as complicated, if not more so, are the rules on grammar, pronunciation and spelling. As with some other languages, Japanese among them, a small mistake in pronunciation and/or spelling can change the meaning of the word entirely. As for writing, Arabic calligraphy was and is still considered a major art form. It is probably one of the only languages in which something can look beautiful, even if you cannot understand it. In my mind, the sophistication of the Arabic language reflects the sophistication of our community. Despite what some may think, not all Arabs nowadays are Muslims as well. Members of other faiths, such as Judaism and Catholicism, are many as well. And in relation to this, neither are Arabs automatically terrorists. Far from supporting them, a good number of us actually condemn their actions as much as the next man; it is people
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Marketing Plan - Essay Example Because of this low-key marketing concept with both competing beer products, Drifter can outperform both using innovation with localized and broad niche marketing both in the Oregon region and across the surrounding states. Neither Blue Moon or Sierra Nevada have a solid positioning strategy among other low-cost and higher-cost competing beer products, therefore in terms of positioning, options are virtually endless. For the sake of perceptual mapping and to monitor marketing activities, especially in areas of promotion, Drifter Beer will be positioned in terms of flavor and benefit to the customer, with less focus on pricing structure. Consumer attitudes, on the perceptual map, are noted for each competing brand in relation to pricing and quality. Drifter Beer is working amid a highly competitive environment where lower-cost beer products and the main competition (Blue Moon and Sierra Nevada) saturated the convenience and grocery markets. It works among competing brands where ongoing promotional activities bring higher brand exposure, such as with brands like Coors Light that hosts different sporting events such as the Urban Flats Classic Kickoff Celebration in Orlando, Florida (Marketing Weekly News, 2009). Contests and sweepstakes are often part of their strategies for building better brand equity. Even though Drifter’s two main competitors are higher priced, more luxury-minded beer brands, sales will definitely be impacted by the buying behaviors of consumers in relation to their response to lower-cost beer brand selection marketing. Because of the current economic environment in the U.S. markets, major brands such as Miller, Pabst and Busch (also known as the economy brews) are experiencing higher sales volumes as people defect to lower-cost brands (Kesmodel, 2009). In order to drive any type of brand equity for Drifter, marketing must make the consumer believe that he needs to defect to this upscale brand simply for the sake of
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Islamic Principles Of Advertising Marketing Essay
The Islamic Principles Of Advertising Marketing Essay Our research is an attempt to establish an advertisement evaluating scale based on guidelines provided by the shariah advisors/ Islamic Scholars. Using that scale we evaluated three sectors of Pakistan; Telecom, Detergent and Beverages sector. Through this scale we were able to conclude which particular companys/sectors advertising activities are complying or non-complying with the shariah guidelines to a certain extent because our variables were limited in number. We focused our study on the three highest spending sectors on advertisements. From Telecom sector we picked to evaluate commercials of Mobilink, Ufone and Telenor. From detergent sector we picked Ariel, Surf Excel and Brite Total. From Beverages sector we picked Cocoa Cola, Pepsi and Pakola. Five TV commercials of each company for the year 2009, 2010 2011 were selected for evaluation. Through an in depth study of various related research journals and primary data analysis that included interviews with mufti /Islamic scholars we created a relationship between the above mentioned five levels of violations and the elements of an advertisement. In order to strengthen our analysis we had our evaluating scales and its variables endorsed by an Islamic scholar.  Our variables were evaluated based on the five levels of Not allowed/Sins in Islam; which are Haram (Being the highest level of violation ), Makrooh-e-Tehreemi, Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi, Dislikes, Not Recommended and Mubaah (considere as breakeven point where there is no sin and no reward). It also showed how this area of research is relatively new and there is a lot to be explored and worked upon. Our major limitations were the time and human resource constraints The findings of our data collected indicate that Telecommunication sector is the least compliant and Detergent sector being the most complaint comparatively in their marketing activities. We noticed that the most common violation was inappropriate displaying of females in various contexts. It also showed how certain actions and behaviors were promoted that goes against our culture and religion; considering how advertisements is a part of mass communication it plays a major role in shaping a societys social ethics and values . 5. Introduction Companies advertise for three main reasons; to create awareness about their product or service, to influence or persuade consumers to buy their product or service and to provide information about their product features and usage. Every person view advertisements differently for example for some it is a way to inform consumers about inflating prices and some view it as unnecessary hard effort to sell something. Advertisements have taken many forms to communicate to their target audience. Advertising has been revolutionized from past several years specifically in 2006 when YouTube was introduced. After this social media advertising became very famous and companies started going all viral. When a company decides to advertise, a lot of factors come into question. The company policies, industry norms as well as the product features itself play an important role as to what an advertisement is going to look like. Also the current advertising practices have an influence as what kinds of concepts are being currently used by different brands across various sectors. And of course, the legal constituents have to be looked at so that none of the advertising material has any illegal content in it. For this study, we are going to analyze the current advertising content being used in Pakistan by various brands/companies and compare them with Islamic teachings and traditions and establish whether these brands/companies are following the Islamic way considering the fact the Pakistan is an Islamic republic and therefore it can have a huge influence on the consumer mindsets regarding the daily lives as well as their perception regarding the brand/company or product itself. Through this study we also aim to find out how much, if so, are the brands/companies treading over water when it comes to advertising according to Islamic teachings and principles. By selecting particular sectors, we will study which sector has the most frequent use of such practices in their advertising and marketing 5.1 Variables of the study The variables of the study include the following: Factual Information Living thing element Morals and Ethics The Product itself Advertisement of three major sector Factual information: If the claim is not valid and tested by an authority than it is considered to be fraud or malpractice in the religion of Islam. A business or advertisement is required to only make claims that are properly tested by a recognized authority and prove their claims. Also, An advertiser must not lie or cover up information from the consumer. Facts must be presented in a clear and easily understandable manner. Living Thing Element: This element is based on the three perspective of modern, liberal and conservative views of Islamic practices. However we choose to refer to the liberal view as it is neither of the two extreme opinions on the showcasing of living beings Morals and ethics: This is similar to the everyday prescribed Islamic practices as applied to the daily lives of Muslim. Same should translate onto the business dealings, trading and advertising as the basic principles or moral rights, decency, modesty and ethics remain the same. Particular guidelines are established through reference to the Holy Quran and also through the principles and teaching of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Product itself: The product itself must be a halal product and free from haram or un-Islamic ingredients such as alcohol and swine. If a haram ingredient exist in a product it is an internal flaw of the product and this product should not be traded with the Muslim public. However, if the product is Halal and free of haram ingredients but is sold or used in a manner which is considered improper or haram in the Islamic Shariah then, an external flaw is said to exist in the product. Advertisement content: Advertisements were selected based on convenience sampling techniques. We selected sectors with the largest television advertisement spending and therefore highest frequency of advertisement aired in a given period of time. 5.2 Research methodology Only qualitative research shall take place. Preliminary research will be done by interviewing several muftis and Islamic experts in order to know the basic Islamic principle of advertising. Also Fatwas or endorsements by Islamic scholars or experts will be taken from them to strengthen the validity of our research. . Advertisements will be selected from each sectors and evaluated on the basis of a standard checklist to make comparisons. Secondary research will included the research papers and journal papers already present on the subject of Islamic advertising 5.3 Sample size sample techniques We are observing convenience based sampling. We selected the last three years i.e. 2009, 2010, 2011 from which we took the advertisement to evaluate. Also, from each sector we selected three companies with the highest advertising budgets as their advertisements appeared on air the most often. In each year we considered 5.4 Scope of study We selected all the top 3 sectors which contributed highest in the Tv advertisements on the basis of the research done by Pakistan Advertisers Society. We selected top 3 companies from each sector and evaluate their 3 years Tvc on the basis of theoretical framework. This research was done in Karachi with the available Tvc. As we were evaluating ads on the basis of Islamic principle, we need a good insight in Islamic teaching in evaluating Ads for which we interview Mr Irshad Ahmad who is Mufti and Shariah Advisor at Bank Islami. 5.5 Research objectives This purpose of this study is: To establish whether Pakistani advertisements are according to the Islamic principles of advertising. To identify the different sectors advertisements that does not follow basic Islamic rules and regulations. To determine the level of violation committed by the selected companies in the sector. To determine in which areas the most violations occur To determine the nature of the violations 5.6 Research questions What are the basic Islamic principles and parameters an advertiser is required to follow? What is the alignment with Advertisement regulation bodies/system, ethics and Islamic Advertisement? Is the advertisement content supporting or following the Islamic principles? What is the number or intensity of violation committed by the advertisement? 6. Literature review We reviewed articles, journals, books and research paper. All the research and readings were done online using various websites including Online Emeralds Journals, Queensland university of Sydney Online Library and Szabist Digital Library. We came across a definition of Islamic Marketing i.e.The process of identification and implementation of value maximization strategies for the Welfare of the stakeholders in particular and the society in general governed by the guidelines given in Quran and Sunnah (Hassnain, 2011). This helps us in giving a direction of what our research would revolve around and where and how to initiate it. It also provided a basis to carry out our research further and establish the basic parameter to base our finding on. As per research, it shows that this area of Evaluating advertising on the basis of Islamic teachings or perspective is vast. Limited studies have been carried out to satisfy the coverage of all Islamic parameter. Its one of the areas where we see growing interest of researchers, development is also taking place where Islamic standards and parameters are being set for marketers/advertisers who plan to opt for following Islamic way of marketing. In the studies that are available its noticeably mentioned by Islamic scholars and authorities that advertising/marketing is a practice that has existed since the beginning of the religion itself provided there are fine lines based on Quran, Hadith and interpretations of scholars, with in which every allowed/halal business is allowed to market their product or service. One of the prominent and interesting findings that is relatively new in nature and which we plan to explore further as well is the new concept of two new Ps as per Islamic Marketing. They are apart from the existing 7Ps of marketing known as Promise and Patience. (Abuznaid, 2012, p.7) 6.1 Islamic Principles of Advertising According to Quran and Sunnah, consumers must ensure that all the 4ps of marketing should be according to Islamic principles also if any transaction is occurring than all the parties must benefit from it. All the advertisements should be communicated in a truthful manner rather than misleading or cheating the consumers, also all the dealings should be carried out in a justice way (Hanafy and Salam, 1988) The three key purpose or functions of the advertising is to inform the consumer about products or services and their features whether they are already existing or new products or services launched, to persuade them to purchase and then to repurchase the products, and also to remind them about the product over a period of time (Kotler and Armstrong, 2004). This will lead them to a healthy competition and customers will benefit from huge varieties of products and services (Anwar and Saeed, 1996). Nevertheless Islamic advertising variables are applied to the communication style such as, honesty of communication which includes factual information and truthful representation of facts and figures, acknowledging and appreciating that all human being are different and embracing the diversity of the human race, justice, equality and fairness, the respect and position of women, the parts women play in life, patterns of consumption behavior, ethical values and modesty, and the environment and its wellbeing (Rice and Al-Mossawi 2002) People are trying to identify Islamic ways of consumption and marketing. Muslim consumers are growing due to their purchasing power and this increase in purchasing power is due to development of the middle class and economic systems where people can afford to buy branded products and are particularly brand conscious (Nasr, 2009). Also, Muslim entrepreneurs are also increasing in Muslim societies and they are eagerly following Islamic principles of marketing (Adas, 2006;Osella and Osella, 2009). People viewed Muslims as poor and that they dont have any knowledge about branded products because they were considered as uneducated and militants. ( Said, 1978) The market was on a halt until and unless Muslim consumers were discovered, Islam has become more visible now in many societies and several studies appeared on Islamic movements (Esposito, 1998; Wiktorowicz, 2004; Bayat, 2005).Religious teachings greatly affect the choice of consumers in an Islamic market, any marketing campaign which is haram or not according to Islamic principles will face major problem in an Islamic market (Alserhan, (2010) Showing unnecessary spending on useless things in advertisements is against Islamic teachings. Nevertheless showing price discounts are not forbidden. (Abdullah, 2008). Quran states, Those who, when they spend, are not extravagant and not niggardly, but hold a just (balance) between those (extremes) (Al-Furqan-25:67). 6.2 Islamic Perspectives on Advertising Scholars say that advertising itself is not haram as it just incorporates a medium of giving a message to the general public, they state that preaching can also be considered as a form of advertising but they say that just like preaching, certain ethics should be followed while advertising ones products or services (Nooh, 2009). The main conflicts which arise between ethics and advertising are the exploitation of women and promoting unwanted use of products. Moreover, Current advertising practices are said to contain various social and ethical problems that reflect little knowledge and awareness of the advertiser on how to effectively market to their Muslim target audience in a manner that increases their acceptability. Contemporary advertisements appear to be more focused on materialism. These advertisements promote consumerism rather than adequately informing the user about the functional uses of their product and purposely hide the flaws of the product while exaggerating the benefits. (Bari Zamin, 2011) The core problem apparently lies with two things; issues regarding advertisement that include women exploitation and subliminal perception, Secondly deceptive form of advertising, that is legally staying with the boundaries but ethically not, by taking undue advantage of limitations a person has while viewing different form of advertisement (not able to read between the lines, the special terms and conditions that are hardly visible etc. Advertising also includes the element of informing consumers about products and services according to basic Islam teachings. They represent the basic Islamic teachings of respecting elder people and creating a positive bond rather than showing provocative images, haram products or free mixing of girls and boys which is completely prohibited in Islam. 6.3 Islamic Moral Standards Six ethical principles of Islamic values truthfulness and honesty and being straight forward with all information and dealings. Faith or trustworthiness on the brand developed through Islamic practices; Sincerity and clarity in presentation of facts and conduct. Brotherhood as it is the primary focus of Islamic society and great emphasis is laid on Islamic brethren and brotherhood, innovations and developments in science and technology and the roles it plays, and justice and equality as it is considered a primary basis for all functions in islam. These were ethical principles identified (Hanafy and Salam, 1988)Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said: I have been sent only for the purpose of perfecting good morals. When questioned Which Muslim has the perfect faith? The Prophet (pbuh) replied: He who has the best moral character(Alghazzali, 1983). Emergence of new muslimenrepreneurs is leading to an ethical way of conducting businesses and marketing (Demir et al., 2004; Adas, 2006;OsellaandOsella, 2009). Applying Islamic principles into marketing gives an ethical dimension to margeting campaings as compared to conventional marketing which has an unethical record. Using immoral means in advertising can cause serious downfalls in the structure of a society causing it to deteriorate. Deceptive advertising being one of them is a major cause but sometimes it can be a case of mistaken identity. Sometimes, misinterpretation on the end of the consumer watching the ad can be considered can ill-information in the ad; however it can still cause a negative impact for brands in the minds of consumer resulting in a decline for the brand. In the case of advertising of fast food products, the author argues that the brands are to be equally blamed as much as the advertisers because their marketing strategy itself is based on creating an unwanted need amongst consumers, especially children (Nooh, 2012). Violence is also a major flaw in advertising which can have major effects on young ad viewers like children as it can encourage them to obtain aggressive habits which leads to unhealthy behavior (Nooh, 2012). Subliminal marketing cannot be termed as a practice of unethical advertising. It is merely a practice used by brands to create brand awareness amongst consumers using hidden messages. These ad themselves are not producing any unethical values or behaviors (Nooh, 2012). Sexual appeal used in ads causes young adults to take up celebrities as idols and start mirroring their lives in their own. They follow their fashion trends, lifestyles and make themselves just like the celebrities. Sexual appeal also causes consumers to carry an offensive mindset about a particular brand. Only people who are strong brand loyalists only successfully reject the offensive mindset and focus on the concept of the ad (El Hattab, 2008). Emotional appeal can lead to an increase in unwanted desires and can cause consumers to purchase product which they dont need at all and even cause them harm in the future. This can be particularly seen by the increased consumption of fast food by adolescents and young adults (El Hattab, 2008). The female contingent of the consumers still have a higher tendency to become more offended by unwanted content in advertisements than their male counterparts (El Hattab, 2008). Companies invest heavily in manufacturing certain products; they use celebrities and other famous personalities to feature in their ads. This is not only using emotional appeal in advertisements but this can also be considered as a form of deceptive advertising because the claims sometimes are baseless. This is considered to be completely unethical in Islam (Abbas Bari, 2011). The practice of showing mal dressed women in ads in on an increasing trend in the country but it can vary with the level of tolerance being present in the society. It varies from one country to another depending upon the state of the society in the country. Fairness in an ad is off utmost importance as well as according to Islamic teachings; consumers have every right to be completely informed about all aspects regarding any service or product (Abbas Bari, 2011). Similarly, overstating any products attributes or making claims which are not supported by any kind of proof or research have also been deemed to lie in the same category as deception. Advertisements today are openly spreading values and behaviors which are not acceptable in Islam and even though considering the economic system of the country which promotes a capitalistic nature in the conduct of ones business, it is imperative that all businesses keep in mind the features of the society they are functioning in and similarly the government should also play a key role in determining the right form of advertising starting from the grass root level which is basic education (Abbas Bari, 2011). 6.4 Islamic Ethics In Islam, ethics is more than just what is defined as right and wrong by the society. In Islam, as the ethics are mainly guided by the teachings of The Quran and Sunnah, ethics covers aspects of all physical, emotional and spiritual factors. Evaluating the advertisements can divide the effects into economic, political, cultural and moral effects the advertisements have had on the society (Nooh, 2009). Even though ethics is an integral part of all business aspects and not just advertising, Islam puts a moral barrier on the conduct of ones business related activities which helps a business man earn a rightful living through his transactions. It is unfair for any business to sell its products by false claims and deliberately hiding complete information about the concerned product or service (Akhter et al., 2011). As noted in the Quranic verse ,Standout firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even though it be against yourself, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. (Quran, 4:135). Moreover, the holy prophet(SAW) said The sign of a hypocrite are three 1. Whenever he speaks he tells a lie. 2. Whenever he promises, He always breaks it. 3. If you trust him, he proves to be dishonest (Al-Bukhari, 1.32) and also: Prophet Muhammad (PBUM) forbade the sale of fruits till they are almost ripe. Anas was asked what is meant by are almost ripe He replied, Till they become red Allahs Messenger (PBUM) further said, If Allah spoiled the fruits, what right one would have to take the money of ones brother.(Al-Bukhari, 3.403) From this it can be determined the strict importance the religion of Islam places honesty and truthfulness. Therefore misleading claims and false promises are forbidden and should not be practiced. Advertising controversial products such as contraceptives and alcohol can lead to an offensive mindset in the eyes of the consumers. And not just Islamic consumers but those of every religion present in the world. Similarly, the controversial products identified are: addictive products such as tobacco or alcohol, indecent hygiene or personal products. Undergarments and private products, funeral services or memorial services, games of chance, weaponry and arms, medicines drugs and other pharmaceutical products, societies or parties with political affiliations, religious and ethnical groups, sexually transmittable diseases and viruses and weight reduction plan for overweight people (Edrogan. Et al, 2005) The greatest challenge over here is for marketers to come up with strategies to curb this offensive nature of such advertisements (Akhter et al., 2011). All brands, international and local, should come up with advertisement concepts which would suits the tastes of the majority Islamic public. This would not only create a better brand image in the eyes of the consumers for the brand itself but also help in increasing their sales across the board (Akhter et al., 2011). 6.5 Women in Advertisements It is stated in the Quran, Let there arise of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam)enjoining Al-Maruf and forbidding Al-Munkar and it is they who are successful [. . .] (A ˆl-Imran 3:104). This shows that all those advertisements are allowed in Islam that shows women in a decent manner with proper clothing and playing positive role both in the society and family. (Rice and Al-Mossawi, 2002). Islamic Tradition emphasizes that women should be modestly dressed and covers themselves according to the principles and guidelines established. It then follows that women if portrayed in advertisement should be dressed according to the Islamic principles. They are required to follow the hijab dress code which entails the covering of the entire body except the hands and face. (HanzaeeChitsaz, 2011) As mentioned in the Quran: O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters and the believing women to draw their veils close to them, so it is likelier they will be known, and not hurt. Allah is the forgiver, the most merciful.( Quran 33:59) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Do not display your finery as pagan women used to do in the olden days of ignoranceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Quran 33:33) And à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Do not reveal their adornment except that which is outward (face and hands); and let them draw their veils over their neckà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Quran 24:33). Islam has protected women and according to Islamic code of dressing women should cover themselves completely including their whole bodies, only their hands are permitted to be visible. Qurans says: And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like palms of hands or one eye or both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands fathers, their sons, their husbands sons, their brothers or their brothers sons, or their sisters sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islà ¢m), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigor, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, th at you may be successful. [surah al-Noor 24:31] And Quran also mentions in another place: And as for women past child-bearing who do not expect wed-lock, it is no sin on them if they discard their (outer) clothing in such a way as not to show their adornment. But to refrain (i.e. not to discard their outer clothing) is better for them. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. [al-Noor 24:60] O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft ¬Forgiving, Most Merciful. [Quran 33:59] In Islam a women must not wear thin clothes through which her whole body is visible. Also the clothes must not be skin tight. Western clothes are not allowed as they resemble mans clothing which is forbidden. Along with this the design of the clothes must not attract any man. Islam is very strict in women dressing so that no man is attracted towards women in to a lustful way because Islam protects women from wrong deeds. Ads featuring women should not have any semblance of overt sensuality or sexual connotations as this demeans the woman. Women are not objects and must not be portrayed as such and treated with respect and equality even if the sole objective is to promote and boost sales through their beauty (Anwar, 2011). This goes with all the teachings in Islam that women are to be treated with respect and not exploited in anyway. Women have been given a very high status in Islam and therefore exploiting women sexually or by any other mean in advertising should be considered not only as unethical but also haram as it is portraying a sin. Not only in Islamic societies, in other modern societies as well the exploitation of women is being considered as an unethical act and is being discouraged in all corners of the world 6.6 Islamic Products: Offensive product Vs. Offensive execution American advertisements show those things which are against other religions like Islam. Like the alcohol and drugs activities shows as it is a problem for society however it is less affecting other culture due to its limited scope. (Al-Jenaibi 2008)Drugs and alcohols are the problems and the only way to get rid of these problems is to show it on media and addressing this problem to society. (Al-Jenaibi, 2008) If they will know the problem then they can avoid it. Advertisements on these different problems are important for building on strong values to protect the society. (Al-Jenaibi, 2008) A customer should feel an ethical manner in a banks advertisements in all form of the business (Chachi et al., 2008). The bank should reach a level of ethicality where a customer would form trust, loyalty and satisfaction with the bank all at the same time.Similarly,the product should be perfected at the same time as the advertisement is. If the product has any flaws it will be very difficult for the bank to attract customers no matter how ethical they were being when it came to advertising. In the case of a bank, the company itself might not be at fault but its front end employees who are in direct interaction with the customers might sometimes overstate the value of a particular product to a customer and gain extra profits for sole purpose of their own personal benefit. . In the case of a service, as it can only be experienced the customer will only judge a particular service on the advertisements portrayed by the bank so therefore it is of utmost importance the bank practices complete ethical practices when advertising their products whether in an above the line tool or a below the line tool. In the below the line, the customers expectations are all but the product which the front end employee sells them (Chachi et al., 2008) For instance the basic differen between an Islamic financing tool and product that is financially equal is the interest charged on the financial instruments. The basic idea behing this thinking is that it is unfair to charge an interest or earn a revenue on a product because of its status as being lent to another person as the money that is borrowed should be returned equally as it is in part. Therefore value of the lended or borrowed money should not increase or decrease by Islamic guidelines (Ashraf, 2007). Through this we can deduce that any product which contains ingredients which would be considered as Haraam. According to the teachings of islam as stated in Quran and also observed in sunnah of the prophet it would be considered as an Illegal product. Substances like alcohol and swine have been strictly prohibited as various points in the Quran so we can deduce that any products made from these substances would automatically be considered as haram without any area of considerati on. However, any product that comprises of all legal materials in its making but a brand/ company promotes an unethical use for it through advertisements and marketing may be considered as an un-Islamic product or haram product through the rule of external flaw. Other variables that effect advertising include privacy, inaccurate information religious and social norms. Role of ethics in performance, behavior, decision, attitude, communication and choices are very important. (Sanayei et. al, 2012).Sanayeiet. al (2012) said previously ethics was considered as important but today marketers have violated the main foundation of ethics. All factors are important but according to result most important is privacy, then religious and social norms and thirdly the correct and accurate information. (Sanayei et. al, 2012) Al-Makaty (1996) is based on perception of 2 television advertisements in Saudi Arabia. There is no single Islamic approach to advertising. Contradictory approach firstly
Sunday, January 19, 2020
French Macaron Recipe Research Essay
Preheat the oven to 150 degrees C Place egg whites and cater sugar in a bowl and mix with electric mixer for 8-10 minutes (yes really), add gel food colouring and continue to mix for a further 30seconds. The mixture should look stiff and dry. Sift the almond meal and icing sugar and salt twice, discarding any almond lumps that are too big to pass through the seive. Fold into the egg white mixture. It should take roughly 50 folds until the mixture is smooth and a very viscous liquid, not runny. Over-mix and your macarons will be flat and have no foot, under mix and they will not be smooth on top – see the video for examples (troubleshooting is at the end of video). Pipe onto trays lined with baking paper, rap trays on the bench firmly (this prevents cracking) and then bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Check if one comes off the tray cleanly, if not bake for longer – if they are looking done on top move to the bottom shelf of the oven for the remaining time to help bake the base.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Marketing Plan: Maybelline’s New Perfume
Marketing Plan: Maybelline’s new perfume The University of Sheffield Marketing Management (MTG 2410) Blagoy Savov (BS11124) 21 August 2012 Abstract L'Oreal’s Maybelline, a global, mass market cosmetic manufacturer, has decided to develop and market a new fragrance for women. This report includes research, analysis and evaluation of the market environment for female fragrances. Furthermore, it outlines a marketing strategy for the new product which describes the marketing mix to be used by Maybelline in order to sell its new product addition to the target market.Introduction The fragrance market is a very competitive one with large companies having a global presence and well established images and brands. This market is also very profitable and ever growing with signs of great potential. Maybelline is one of L'Oreal’s brands and is well known worldwide for its value based cosmetics products.Now Maybelline is entering the fragrance market with a new female perfume and this report describes how it will take on this challenge. The first part of the report introduces L'Oreal, which is Maybelline’s mother company, its vision and company profile including its financial success. Maybelline falls under L'Oreal’s Consumer Products Division, which offers mass-market products. The report continues by presenting an environmental analysis of the market as well as a competitive analysis. There are three main players in the industry, which represent 24. 5% of the global market in the face of Coty Inc. Maybelline’s mother company L'Oreal, and Procter & Gamble. The first part of the report concludes with a SWOT analysis of the Maybelline, which indicates that the strengths and opportunities outweigh the weaknesses and threats. Based on the market analysis, the second part of the report proposes a target market for the new female fragrance product and a specific marketing mix in order to successfully reach its customers. The company L'Ore al L’Oreal is one of the largest cosmetics companies in the world, producing and marketing a range of make-up, perfume, hair and skin care products in over 130 countries.The company is headquartered in Clichy, France and employs about 68,900 people worldwide in a total of 41 factories. With 613 registered patents in 2011 the company earned 20. 3 billion EURO of sales in that year and currently has a brand portfolio of 27 international brands (L'Oreal 2011). For more than a 100 years L'Oreal has devoted its efforts in the business of beauty. Its mission is to enable all individuals to express their personalities, gain self-confidence and open up to others by offering the best cosmetics innovation in terms of quality, efficacy and safety.The company pushes the boundaries of innovation by heavily investing in research in order to explore new territories and invent new products (L'Oreal 2012). Wrapping up another year of financial growth, in 2011 Company Responsibility (2005 â₠¬â€œ 2011) – Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 29. 8% – Reduced waste generated by 24. 2% – Reduced water consumption by 22. 6% – 95. 7% of waste is reused, recycled or used for energy production – Reduced total energy consumption by 6. % for 2010/2011 Company Profile – A century of expertise in cosmetics – â‚ ¬20,3 billion sales in 2011 – 27 global brands – 130 countries – 68 900 employees – 613 patents filed in 2011. L'Oreal grew faster than the worldwide cosmetics market and confirmed its position as the world leader in beauty. The company also heavily invests in being socially, ethically and environmentally responsible to ensure a sustainable growth in the long-term. Compared to 2005 the organization significantly reduced its gas emissions, generated waste and water consumption and invested in research in order to foster sustainable innovation.Maybelline As described in the journal by Aaker and Joa chimsthaler (2000) brand architecture is a structure that organizes the company’s brand portfolio and specifies the brand roles and the relationship between them. Coherent brand architecture provides tools to: ? ? ? permit brands to stretch across products and markets, resolve conflicting brand strategy needs, preserve brand-building resources by leveraging existing brand equity, protect brands from being diluted by over-stretching, and signal a new and different offeringAs outlined in the journal by Harish (2008), L'Oreal’s brand architecture is organized around 27 international brands, which are clustered in separate business divisions, each of which focuses on a specific target market. As illustrated in Table 1, L'Oreal’s business is structured under three divisions (Consumer Products Division, Luxury Products Division and Professional Products Division), one department (Active Cosmetics Department) and an ethical cosmetics brand (The Body Shop). L'Oreal†™s brand architecture, showing brands, positioning and sales channels. Consumer Products Luxury Products Profess.Products Active Cosmetics The Body ShopMajor international umbrella brands: L'Oreal Paris Garnier Maybeline New York SoftSheen Carson Le Club des Createurs de Beute (LCCB) Lancome Biotherm Helena Rubinstein Kiehl’s Shu Uemure Perfumes: Giorgio Armani Ralph Lauren Cacharel Victor and Rolf Diesel Positioning: Quality products at affordable prices for the masses Up-market luxury products for discerning consumers Specialist products for use by professional hair stylists and salon professionals Sales Channels: Mass market retail outlets in the case of L'Oreal Paris, Garnier, Maybelline and SoftSheen CarsonDirect marketing for LCCB High-end international department stores, travel retail outlets, brands’ own boutiques and perfumeries Hair stylists and salon professionals Pharmacies and specialist retailers Predominantly through body Shop’s exclusive retail chain Cosmeceuticals with proven safety and effectiveness; backed by pharmacists and dermatologists Ethical cosmetics for socially and environmentally conscious consumers L'Oreal Professionnel Kerastase RedKen 5th Avenue NYC Matrix Mizani Vichy La Roche – Possay Inneov SkinCeuticals Sanoflore The Body Shop Table 1 Within the Consumer Products Division, L'Oreal Paris is the premium brand while Garnier and Maybelline New York are the neighbouring aspirational brands. The company offers these distinct brands in order to satisfy different target groups and avoid losing customers to a competitor (Harish, 2008). L'Oreal’s goal is to make Maybelline a leading global mass-market brand. This brand is sold in about 127 countries and makes up over 45% of the total revenues.Maybelline is positioned to be the leader of massmarket cosmetics targeted at women between the age of 15 and 49 at a reasonable price and it successfully promotes the â€Å"urban American chic†image a cross the globe. Maybelline includes five ranges of products – face, eyes, lips, nails and tools. Each range includes several lines and there are individual products with unique brands under each line. As per Harish (2008) the products of the Maybelline group are mainly promoted through TV advertising and brand ambassadors like the supermodels Christy Turlington and Adriana Lima. Since 1915, the brand has been empowering women everywhere with the impactful slogan â€Å"Maybe she is born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline. Today Maybelline New York is the leading makeup brand worldwide, which combines technologically advanced cosmetics with trendy expertise to create accessible products with a spirited style that empower women to make a statement by exploring new tools, experimenting without risk, and flaunting their own artistry (L'Oreal, 2012). L'Oreal has a licensing agreement with five different fragrance brands, which complement the firm’s wide spectrum of prod uct offerings. As described in Table 1 these brands fall under the Luxury Products Division, target discerning consumers and are sold in high-end department stores, travel outlets and boutiques. L'Oreal is now developing a completely new perfume under its own Maybelline product line. Environmental Analysis Market AnalysisThe fragrance market experienced a steady growth in sales in the period between 2006 and 2011. Furthermore the overall market growth is expected to accelerate in the next five year period. In 2010 the global fragrance market generated total revenues of $36. 3 billion resulting in a compound annual growth rate of 4. 2% for the period spanning 2006 – 2010 shown in Figure 1 (Datamonitor Global, 2011). Global fragrances market volume: million units 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 4. 2 3. 1 5. 6 7 6 5 3. 9 4 3 2 $ million % growth 15000 10000 5000 0 2006 2007 2008 Figure 1 1 0 2009 2010 Consumption volume in the fragrance market increased with a compound annual grow th of 4. % between 2006 and 2010 resulting in 1. 3 billion units in 2010. By the end of 2015 the consumption volume is expected to rise to 1. 6 billion units. As shown in Figure 2 female fragrances showed the highest sales numbers generating $23. 1 billion of revenues in 2010, equivalent to 63. 8% of the market’s overall value (Datamonitor Global, 2011). Global fragrances market segmentation by type: % share 5% 64% Female fragrance Male fragrance Unisex fragrance 31% Figure 2 The fragrance market segmentation is distributed between the three major continents.As shown in Figure 3 Europe leads the consumption of fragrances by 45. 1% followed by the Americas with 38. %, Asia-Pacific by 10. 5% and Africa and the Middle East by 6. 4% (Datamonitor Global, 2011). Global fragrance market segmentation by region: % share 6% 11% Europe Americas Asia-Pacific Affrica and Middle East 45% 38% Figure 3 Overall the current fragrance market condition and especially the sub-category of female f ragrances shows to be positive and creates opportunity for new product additions, which is an advantage for Maybelline’s idea to introduce a new perfume (Datamonitor Global, 2011). Market Environment In the book by Perreault et al (2011) it is described that when creating a new product the required marketing strategy planning process includes electing the best opportunities and developing a strategy that will provide superior value to the potential consumer and a competitive advantage to the company itself. In order to find the best opportunity and create a marketing strategy, the company has to analyze and evaluate the important elements of the marketing environment and the occurring trends. Perreault et al (2011) continues by stating that there are different forces that create the market environment. These forces include the direct marketing environment comprised of the customer, the company, and the competitors and the external market environment comprised of the economic, technological, political, legal, cultural and social aspects.In order to create the best marketing mix (product, place, promotion, price and personalization) for the new female fragrance of Maybelline, the marketing environment has to be analyzed. Economic Environment As per Perreault et al (2011) the economic environment refers to macro-economic factors, including economic growth, national income and inflation which affect the way consumers (individual customers? ) and businesses consume. Changes in the economy in general in certain industries or parts of the world could have an impact on the consumption. Technological Environment Technology uses the application of science to convert resources into output.In particular it affects marketing by creating opportunities for new products and new processes. Technological advances allow for better communication and promotion opportunities and it furthers globalization. It also provides for more effective and efficient ways of producing an d delivering products and services (Perreault et al, 2011). Political Environment The political environment of a country is affected by the attitudes and reactions of people, social critics, and the government. The political environment can affect selling opportunities at both local and international levels. In some markets nationalistic feelings can reduce or block marketing activities, which creates a challenge for companies (Perreault et al, 2011).Cultural and Social Environment These two factors have a significant impact on the marketing environment. The cultural and social environment affects the way people live and behave, which in turn affects their consumption behaviour as well as the economic, political, and legal environments. These factors consist of different variables including: language education religion style housing view on work, marriage and family The growth of the fragrance market is different across the various geographic zones depending on the economic conditio ns in that area. The consumption of perfume is largely dependent on demographics and lifestyle trends, in particular the importance of luxury and status.If a particular country is experiencing difficult economic conditions, usually the luxury products suffer the most, as they are not a needed product but rather a nice to have (ReportLinker, 2012). In contrast mass-market, value products are not as impacted by the economy. The US, with the highest market share of 33%,shows steady growth partly due to the fact that the country is coming out of the recession and into better economic conditions. The consumption of perfumes in Asia is relatively low, aside from Hong Kong and Singapore, due to the economic conditions and the perception of perfumes and heavy scents being used as a way to mask body odour.However, the growth potential in these demographics is immense, especially as Asian women are adhering to the Western trends in fashion and personal care, and are receptive to using well-kn own brands for building their self-image (ReportLinker, 2012). The penetration of private fragrance labels in China stands at the low 5%. Brand loyalty and higher levels of disposable income provide popularity for the European fragrance products. Suppliers are targeting the younger population in order to attract new customers, due to the changing age structures in the country. To this day, Chinese consumers favor specialty stores when shopping for fragrances, which is an important consideration for companies wanting to be successful in this market (ReportLinker, 2012). Competitive AnalysisPerreault et al (2011) defines the competitive environment as the number and types of competitors the company is facing and the way these competitors behave in the particular industry. There are four basic kinds of competitive market situations: Pure competition A market state where buyers and sellers trade a uniform commodity such as wheat, copper or financial securities and no single buyer or sel ler has much effect on the market price. In its pure form this market state eliminates the purpose of marketing research, product development, pricing, advertising and promotion. Oligopoly A market state with a few sellers who are highly sensitive and alert to each other’s marketing strategies and pricing.In this market it is difficult for new sellers to enter. Monopolistic competition A market state where many buyers and sellers trade over a range of prices, rather than a single market price. The range of prices occurs due to the fact that the sellers offer a differentiating factor of their product to the buyers. The differentiating factor can be achieved through segmenting, price fluctuations, branding, advertising, personal selling and other marketing tools. Pure Monopoly A market state where a single firm produces a product, for which there are no close substitutes and in which significant barriers to entry prevent other firms from entering the market to compete.The fragr ance market is definitely a monopolistic competition in which many vendors sell to many buyers and there is a range of prices based on differentiating factors created through segmenting, branding, advertising and other marketing tools. The global fragrance market is greatly fragmented with the top three selling companies accounting for 24. 5% of the market value. Most of the leading companies are either large manufacturers of personal care products or large fashion houses and are geographically diversified. As most companies operate large production facilities, fixed costs are high in this market the vast business diversification eases the competitive pressure.In conclusion the rivalry in the fragrance market is moderate. Shown in are the top three leading players in the fragrance market, which are Coty Inc. with 10. 2% share, L'Oreal S. A. with 7. 7% share and Procter & Gamble Company with 6. 6% share. The rest of the market is divided between much smaller fragrance vendors and acc ount for 75. 5% of the market (Datamonitor, 2011). Global Fragrance Market Share: % share, 2010 10% 8% 7% Coty Inc. L'Oreal S. A. Procter & Gamble Company Others 75% Figure 4 Coty Inc. Coty Inc. is a privately held company that manufactures and markets fragrances, color cosmetics, toiletries, skincare, sun care and personal care products.It is headquartered in New York City, employs more than 8,500 people and distributes its products to around 90 countries. The company distributes its products utilizing different channels including department stores, specialty retailers, upscale perfumeries, pharmacies, mass market retailers and duty free shops. The company recorded total revenues of $25. 8 billion in FY2010, an increase of 11. 6% over the previous year. Revenues from the fragrance product category for the company reached $2. 2 billion in FY2009. North America accounted for 32% of total revenues, whereas Europe as its largest ? geographical market accounts for 57% of the total reven ues in FY2010, Asia with 7% in FY2010 and the rest of the world with 4% in FY2010.L'Oreal Even though L'Oreal is the mother company of Maybelline it still needs to be considered as a competitor in a way since it does have five fragrance brands under its umbrella. These brands are placed under the Luxury Product Division and include Giorgio Armani, Ralph Lauren, Cacharel, Victor and Rolf, and Diesel. Procter & Gamble Company (P) P manufactures and markets consumer products with over 300 brands in over 180 countries. The company is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio and employs about 129,000 people. The company offers its prestige fragrance products under its beauty division which recorded revenues of $20. 2 billion in FY2011, an increase of 3. 4% over the previous year. P earned 36. 9% of its revenues in the United States and 63. 1% internationally. SWOT Analysis of MaybellinePerrault et al (2011) describes SWOT analysis as a marketing tool used to create a marketing strategy which id entifies screening criteria (and identifies) and outlines the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and its opportunities and threats. The analysis has two categories: internal factors such as strengths and weaknesses, which analyze the company’s resources and abilities; external factors such as opportunities and threats, which are observed by analyzing the external market environment, customers, and competitors. This marketing tool helps the marketing department create a marketing strategy that takes advantage of the company’s strengths and opportunities while avoiding its weaknesses and threats.SWOT analysis is usually illustrated with a diagram consisting of four squares and each one of them summarizes the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Maybelline’s SWOT analysis is illustrated in Figure 5. Helpful Harmful Strengths ? Owned by the biggest cosmetics company in the world Solid financial backing Distributed in 127 countri es Leader in mass-market beauty products ? ? Established image Established production and distribution infrastructureWeaknesses Lack of expertise in manufacturing fragrances Product division completely focused on females Lack of expertise in producing natural and organic products Internal Opportunities Growing presence in emerging markets (Asia, South America) Natural and organic fragrances Men’s fragrances  Threats Counterfeit of fragrances Established strong competition Weak economic conditions worldwide External ? ? Figure 5 Strengths Maybelline enjoys a few significant strengths when it comes to its entry into the female fragrance market. One of them is the fact that Maybelline is owned by the biggest cosmetics company in the world in the name of L'Oreal, which has a solid financial foundation, an established image and existing production facilities and distribution channels. Maybelline itself has strengths in terms of its already established image and worldwide presen ce in the mass-market of beauty products. WeaknessesThe most significant weakness of Maybelline is the fact that it has no realistic expertise in developing and manufacturing fragrances and specifically female perfumes. The brand is well known for making and selling makeup, but the fragrance industry poses its own unique challenges. Maybelline’s complete product set is targeted only towards female’s including their research and marketing departments. This is considered a weakness since the men’s fragrance segment of the market is (still) emerging, which is outlined in the opportunities section of this paper. Another opportunity, which Maybelline is not ready for is the emerging segment of natural and organic products, which makes it a weakness for the company.The production of natural fragrances requires investment in research and development and different know-how and expertise, which Maybelline has not fully developed. Opportunities By the year 2020 countries in Asia and South America (emerging market) may represent more than 50% of the total cosmetics market, which directly affects the fragrance portion of the market. Currently, people living in emerging countries consume fewer cosmetics products than the rest of the world (Western Europe, North America, Japan, etc. ), but as their GDP is increasing, the consumption level should increase accordingly creating a great potential for penetration (Marketline, 2012). This presents a serious opportunity for Maybelline to offer its new fragrance in these demographics. Threats According to Global Insight Inc. 2007) and research performed by the Global AntiCounterfeiting Group, counterfeit perfumes and cosmetics cost the industry 3. 0 billion EURO annually in lost revenue and 555 million EURO in lost profit. The effects of counterfeiting include loss of profit, reduced investment and innovation, and an overall slowing down of the economy as a result of lost jobs and reduced tax revenues. Counterf eiting poses one of the biggest threats to Maybelline and its plans to introduce a new female fragrance on the market. Another threat is the long-time established competition in the female fragrance market including stable companies with an established image. This makes it difficult for Maybelline to penetrate the market with yet another new product.Currently, the global economy in general is struggling and especially in some European countries and the United States. As fragrances and cosmetics in general are not a ‘need’ but rather a ‘want’ product, the effects of lower income and higher unemployment rates are posing a threat to this industry and Maybelline itself. SWOT Conclusion By performing a SWOT analysis for the opportunity for Maybelline to introduce a new female fragrance into the market, it becomes apparent that the strengths and opportunities outweigh the weaknesses and threats. An already established company such as Maybelline is more than halfw ay of creating and marketing a new fragrance regardless of its inexperience with this specific product type.The struggling global economy and counterfeit products are challenges that every fragrance company faces, still this industry is strong and has the potential for growth. Market Strategy Perrault et al (2011) describes that to plan a marketing strategy is to find attractive opportunities and develop a profitable marketing strategyThere are two interrelated parts to a marketing strategy and they are the target market and the marketing mix. As defined in this book, a target market is a fairly similar group of potential customers to whom the company wishes to appeal. A marketing mix is the controllable variables the company puts together to satisfy this target group.These variables include the characteristics of the product, the place where the product will be sold, the price the Figure 6 product will be offered at and the promotion that would be used to market it. As illustrated in Figure 6 at the centre of the marketing mix is of course the target customer. Perrault et al (2011) states that the customer is placed in the center of the diagram to show that the customer is the target of all the marketing efforts. Target Market Currently, Maybelline targets women between the ages of 15 and 49 in more than 127 countries worldwide. Based on this wide market the new fragrance being introduced will be targeted to a narrower target, which is women between the ages of 18 and 34 living in Europe.Although as outlined earlier in this report, the men’s fragrance market is rapidly growing and has great potential, Maybelline offers products only to the female part of the population and has an already Figure 7 established image as such a brand. The new perfume brand will follow that image and target females only. The decision to initially introduce the product in Europe only is based on the fact that this is the strongest market for fragrances. If the product succee ds in this market its reach can be expanded to North America and even Asia. Furthering the definition of the target market, Maybelline will focus its marketing efforts on women between ages of 18 and 34 that are either single or freshly married with little or no children, have an active lifestyle and are young professionals. The target market is summarized in Figure 7. Marketing MixAs described in the book by Perrault et al (2011) the marketing mix specifies the details of the new product being developed and includes four P’s (product, place, price and promotion).1. The first P for Product may involve a physical good (a perfume in our case), a service, or a blend of both as well as its branding, packaging, and warranties. The basic idea is that the product has to satisfy a specific customer need.2. The second P is for Place, which defines how the product will reach its customer when and where it is needed. This includes the distribution channels used for getting the product s old.3. The third P is for Promotion and it describes the way the product will be marketed or sold to the customer, which includes advertising and public relations.4. The fourth P is for Price and specifies the amount of money a customer has to pay to acquire the product. When setting the price, the producer must account for the competition in the target market and the cost of producing and marketing the product. Based on the marketing principles and the research described above in this document a marketing mix for Maybelline’s new female fragrance follows. Product Name Maybelline’s new perfume will be called DENI which is an abbreviation for Desire, Exquisite, Natural and Intimate. The name describes what the perfume stands for. When a woman wears the DENI fragrance, she is desired, the scent is exquisite, the product is natural and the connection with it is intimate.Scent The scent of the perfume will be light and fresh, to be worn by females with an active lifestyle when going to work or being active. It is meant for everyday use and does not intrude, since the individual wearing it will be around people interacting. The perfume will only be available in Eau de Parfum spray since it is the lighter and more affordable version of the original scent. Ingredients An increasing trend in the market is the demand for natural products; therefore the DENI perfume will be made out of natural ingredients. This will possibly raise the production cost but compensate with a differentiating factor and the increasing demand for such products. Packaging DENI will be offered only in a 50ml glass bottle, which is compact and utilizing a screw on cap.The bottle design is meant for being carried in a small purse or a bag without the possibility of the cap coming off and being sprayed inside. To keep with the company’s green ideology, the bottle utilizes an aluminum removable pump, which can be separated from the glass bottle before disposal, so the glass bot tle can be easily recycled. The bottles are packaged in a cardboard box made completely from recycled paper and painted with natural paints. The bottle can also be returned to one of the stores where DENI is offered for a refill. Place DENI perfume will be manufactured at the current Maybelline plant located in North Little Rock, Arkansas.There will be an additional facility built for the manufacturing of the new perfume adjacent to the current massive factory. The administrative and transportation functions of the existing plant will be utilized for the new product as well as the distribution channels. DENI will be sold in Specialist Retailers, Department stores (including Duty-Free Shops), supermarkets and hypermarkets as it is a mass-market product with a low profit-margin. Price DENI will cost 38 EURO for the 50ml bottle to the final customer. The perfume is a mass-market product under L'Oreal’s Consumer Product Division and it is meant for everyday use and hence the pric e must be lower than the more luxurious products that the company itself offers as well as the competition.Table 2 shows a comparison of the prices for 50ml Eau de Parfum spray bottles of some of the bestselling perfumes on the market. For instance Chanel No. 5, as one of the best perfumes on the market costs nearly double compared to the price of an equivalent DENI bottle. The product however cannot be the cheapest since it has to be corresponding to L'Oreal’s image of offering high quality products. Perfume price comparison (EURO per 50 ml) 79 62 43 43 40 38 36 30 Table 2 Promotion Even if Maybelline creates the best product at the best price, no one would buy it if customers do not know about it. A very important part of the marketing strategy is the way the product will be introduced and advertised to the target market. As mentioned above, the target is women
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