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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
History, Names, and Role of Dogs in Japanese Culture
History, Names, and Role of Dogs in Japanese Culture The Japanese word for hound is inu. You can compose inu in either hiragana or kanji, however since the kanji character for hound is very straightforward, take a stab at figuring out how to compose it in kanji. Common Japanese canines incorporate Akita, Tosa, and Shiba breeds. The onomatopoeic expression for a mutts bark is wan-wan. In Japan, the canine is accepted to have been trained as right on time as the Jomon time frame (10,000 B.C.). White mutts are believed to be particularly propitious and regularly show up in people stories, (for example, Hanasaka jiisan). In the Edo time frame, Tokugawa Tsuneyoshi, the fifth shogun and a fervent Buddhist, requested the security everything being equal, particularly hounds. His guidelines concerning hounds were outrageous to such an extent that he was derided as the Inu Shogun. A later story is the story of Hachiko, the chuuken or devoted pooch from the 1920s. Hachiko met his lord at Shibuya station toward the finish of each workday. Significantly after his lord kicked the bucket one day at work, Hachiko kept on hanging tight at the station for a long time. He turned into a mainstream image of commitment. After his demise, Hachikos body was placed in a historical center, and there is a bronze sculpture of him before Shibuya station. Basic expressions alluding to inu are as basic in Japan as they are in the West. Inujini, to bite the dust like pooch, is to kick the bucket inanely. To consider somebody a canine is to blame the person in question for being a government operative or trick. Inu mo arukeba bou ni ataru or when the pooch strolls, it stumbles into a stick is a typical saying, implying that when you stroll outside, you might meet with a startling fortune. Kobanashi: Ji no Yomenu Inu Here is a kobanashi (amusing story) named Ji no Yomenu Inu, or The Dog That Can’t Read.†Inu no daikiraina otoko ga, tomodachi ni kikimashita.†Naa, inu ga itemo heiki de tooreru houhou wa nai darou ka.††Soitsu wa, kantanna koto sa.Te no hira ni tora to iu ji o kaite oite, inu ga itara soitsu o miseru n da.Suruto inu wa okkanagatte nigeru kara.††Fumu fumu. Soitsu wa, yoi koto o kiita.†Otoko wa sassoku, te no hira ni tora to iu ji o kaite dekakemashita.Shibaraku iku to, mukou kara ookina inu ga yatte kimasu.Yoshi, sassoku tameshite yarou.Otoko wa te no hira o, inu no mae ni tsukidashimashita.Suruto inu wa isshun bikkuri shita monono, ookina kuchi o akete sono te o gaburi to kandan desu. Tsugi no hello there, te o kamareta otoko ga tomodachi ni monku o iimashita.†Yai, oame no iu youni, te ni tora to iu ji o kaite inu ni meseta ga, hore kono youni, kuitsukarete shimatta wa.†Suruto tomodachi wa, kou iimashita.†Yare yare, sore wa fuun na koto da. Osoraku sono inu wa, ji no yomenu inu darou.†Sentence structure In the above story, â€Å"fumu fumu,†â€Å"yoshi,†and â€Å"yare yare†are Japanese interpositions. â€Å"Fumu fumu†can be deciphered as, â€Å"Hmm,†or, â€Å"I see.†â€Å"Yare yare,†depicts a moan of help. Here are a few models. Yoshi, sore ni kimeta: OK, I am sold on that idea!Yoshi, hikiukeyou: All right, I will take it on.Yare yare, yatto tsuita: Well, here we are at last.Yare yare, kore de tasukatta: Hallelujah! We are protected finally.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Write an analysis on the story barn burning by William faulkner Essay
Compose an examination on the story horse shelter consuming by William faulkner - Essay Example Constrained by his propensity, he gets irritated with De Spain’s mentality and he drops some pony droppings on his over the top expensive floor covering. De Spain requests that he give him 20 bushels of corn against the charge of the floor covering. Angry, Abner sues him and the court requests to give De Spain 10 bushels of corn rather than 20. Abner still incensed chooses to set the De Spain’s outbuilding ablaze. Sarty prevents his dad from fouling up however when he doesn't tune in, he cautions De Spain and flees and never thinks back towards his family again (Wilson 434). The story has been a standout amongst other selling of now is the right time. It was likewise adjusted to a short film in 1980, which was a lot of adored the world over. The story fundamentally gives trusting in what is correct and never remaining by untruths and misrepresentation. It is essentially demonstrated that the Snopes’ family totally depends on one another in right or wrong choices. The family is by all accounts living in their own reality which is outside society esteems and even outside law, instead of on conventional estimations of good and bad. Despite the fact that it’s your own dad, one should stand what is correct in every case regardless of whether they are remaining solitary. Family dependability is significant yet what is progressively significant is that you never allow anyone to questions your genuineness, trustworthiness and honesty. This will make you away from your family every so often, however there will come when the family will be brought together and you will get the award of your great deeds. The story has nicely recorded characters, the principle being the dad, Abner Snopes and the child, Sarty Snopes. A harmony requesting judge is referenced twice at various events. The primary individual who whined was named Mr Harris and the second was the individual that was sued who additionally was the new landowner De Spain. Referenced just one are Sarty’s mother, his two sisters, his sibling and his auntie. The characters have not been over done by the essayist.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
A Weekend in New York
A Weekend in New York [by Davie Rolnick 12, Guest Blogger] Glory be to MIT! The Arts Scholars went to see Wagner at the Met! A weekend-long trip to New York, centered around the Metropolitan Operas new production of Das Rheingold, directed by Robert Lepage. Here is some background, so you understand why I am so excited. Rheingold is the first opera (Wagner called it the prelude) in the massive 4-opera cosmos-encompassing saga known as the Ring Cycle. It is the tiddler of the bunch, lasting but a single act and being only two and a half hours long. But the opera is self-standing and utterly awesome perhaps my favorite opera of all time. I tend to listen to it on loop while writing long math papers It is effectively a continual piece of music. No intermission, no dialogue, not even any distinct songs it flows, and holds together by the use of little musical ideas called leitmotifs (of which there are many dozens) which represent particular characters or ideas. The plot features giants, dwarves, Norse gods, and epic-scale lust for the power caught up in a little golden ring (Tolkien denies getting any inspiration from Wagner) Here is the villain of the Ring Cycle, Alberich (the head dwarf), currently engaged in stealing the magical gold from the Rhein with which he will fashion the Ring of power. And so now to the afternoon of April 2, and the arrival at Lincoln Center after a comfortably squashed trip in the Boston-NYC Megabus. The Met is pretty magnificent even without Wagner. It is filled with red-velvet staircases, tidy little balconies, filigree, crystal chandeliers in the shape of snowflakes, and in this case, a surprisingly large number of MIT affiliates. I ran across many friends outside Arts Scholars who turned out also to be going to this production. But we were going for free! :-) And we had our own personal expert to guide us through the leitmotifs Professor Lowell Lindgren, glorious professor of music history, teacher of the class 21M.273 (Opera!). The Met isnt it pretty? Wagner is big. Very big. If you need to know one thing about Wagner, that might be it. The orchestra we saw had six harps, a band of guys playing anvils, and a number of instruments that Wagner invented. When Rheingold originally premiered, it premiered in a theatre Wagner built specially for it. True to form, the production we were seeing involved a set weighing 45 tons They had to build a new stage at the Met just so it wouldnt collapse. Why the set was so heavy was because it consisted of huge metal bars that were rotated in various ways by computer, then projected onto to create, by turns, the bottom of a river, a gaping chasm in the earth, clouds, etc. The singers were at times literally hauled up these metal bars by winches. How one can be a graceful Rheinmaiden while suspended 30 feet in the air I will never know, but they managed it. Three spectacular singers managing to be graceful Rheinmaidens while suspended 30 feet in the air. Powerful singers (you need to be a very very powerful singer in order to sing Wagner since you are singing over the entire orchestra) met a powerful orchestra and behold they were audible and sounded beautiful as well. Humor in the staging kept the production from collapsing under its own weight. (For instance, having gods slide flaming headfirst down a great slope onto the stage, is, it turns out, a remarkably amusing thing.) At any rate, a completely full house at the Met cheered wildly when the show was complete. Since this blog post is already obscenely long, I will refrain from talking about the other things we did in New York whilst there, but suffice it to say a most marvelous time was had by all. And hoorah for Wagner!!!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Appeal to (Irrelevant) Authority (Logical Fallacy)
The appeal to (false or irrelevant) authority is a fallacy in which a rhetor (public speaker or writer) seeks to persuade an audience not by giving evidence but by appealing to the respect people have for the famous. Also known as ipse dixit and ad verecundiam, which means he himself said it and argument to modesty or respect respectively, appeals to authority rely entirely upon the trust the audience has as a speakers integrity and expertise on the matter at hand. As W.L. Reese puts it in Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, though, not every appeal to authority commits this fallacy, but every appeal to an authority with respect to matters outside his special province commits the fallacy. Essentially, what he means here is that although not all appeals to authority are fallacies, most are  especially by rhetors with no authority on the topic of discussion. The Art of Deception Manipulation of the general public has been a tool of politicians, religious leaders and marketing experts alike for centuries, utilizing appeal to authority often to support their causes with little to no evidence for doing so. Instead, these figureheads use the art of deception to leverage their fame and recognition as a means to validate their claims. Have you ever wondered why actors like Luke Wilson endorse ATT as Americas largest wireless phone coverage provider or why Jennifer Aniston appears in Aveeno skincare commercials to say its the best product on the shelves? Marketing firms often hire the most famous A-list celebrities to promote their products for the sole purpose of using their appeal to authority to convince their fans that the product they endorse is worth buying. As Seth Stevenson posits in his 2009 Slate article Indie Sweethearts Pitching Products, Luke Wilsons role in these ATT ads is straight-up spokesman  the [ads] are horribly misleading. The Political Con Game As a result, it is important for audiences and consumers, especially in the political spectrum, to be doubly aware of the logical fallacy of merely trusting someone on their appeal to authority. In order to discern truth in these situations, the first step, then, would be to determine what level of expertise the rhetor has in the field of conversation. For instance, the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, often cites no evidence in his tweets condemning everyone from political opponents and celebrities to supposed illegal voters in the general election. On November 27, 2016, he famously tweeted In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally. However, no evidence exists that verify this claim, which only sought to alter public opinion of his opponent Hillary Clintons 3,000,000-vote lead over him in the popular vote count of the 2016 U.S. election, calling her victory illegitimate. Questioning Expertise This is certainly not unique to Trump  in fact, a large majority of politicians, especially while in public forums and on-the-spot television interviews, use an appeal to authority when facts and evidence are not readily available. Even criminals on trial will use this tactic to attempt to appeal to the empathetic human nature of the jury in order to sway their opinion despite contradictory evidence. As Joel Rudinow and Vincent E. Barry put it in the 6th edition of Invitation to Critical Thinking, no one is an expert on everything, and therefore no one can be trusted on their appeal to authority every time. The pair comment that whenever an appeal to authority is introduced, it is wise to be aware of the area of expertise of any given authority  and to be mindful of the relevance of that particular area of expertise to the issue under discussion. Essentially, in every case of appeals to authority, be mindful of those tricky appeals to irrelevant authority  just because the speaker is famous, doesnt mean he or she knows anything real about what theyre saying.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Brachiation Project Free Essays
Postcolonial Indices: Brachia Index Monterey Peninsula College Keywords: Hummer, skeletal Indices, locomotion, arboreal, fabrication, Biped, Quadruped, Percolator Abstract I measured multiple Hummer and radiuses from multiple mammals Including H. S. Sapiens In order to correlate a hypothesis on how they move using their Individual brachia indexes. We will write a custom essay sample on Brachiation Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now Generally speaking fabrication is associated with the major alterations in the arm, thorax and hand. The more powerful the arm movements, more robust and â€Å"stronger†the stabilizing musculature must be. Materials and Methods The materials I used included a lightweight field esoteric board, and a pair of spreading calipers. I measured the length of the radius from the Proximal Epiphysis to the Distal Epiphysis and recorded the length in millimeters. I then did the same for the hummers. I then found the fabrication Index by using the equation (R) Radius length / (H) Hummers length X 100 or R/H(OHIO). I did this for the Sea Otter (Anhydride ultra), Human (H. S. It Is one of the many Indexes we use to see how the animal moves. For example we can assume that all of the mammals on the list above besides the human and otter, are in some form swinging from trees because of the higher index. We can take the assumptions to another level. If the arms are longer then the legs then we can assume the animal will be a knuckle walking and fist walking. If the legs are longer than the arm then we can assume bipedal. If the legs are longer then the arms then we can assume leaping and arboreal. Discussion I found that there are several types of fabricators. The gibbons and the signings primarily use arm swinging as a way of getting around and are said to be the best kinds of fabricators. Although the fabricator Indexes Imply that humans and chimpanzees are not the best on the charts they are certainly capable, but they do to practice this as their primary source of locomotion. We as humans are the only ones dedicated to only using bipedal does not mean that the other primates are to upright almost human like. Non-human primates use bipedal locomotion when carrying food. One hypothesis for human bipedal is that it evolved as a result of successful survival from carrying food to share with group members. The Chimpanzees forearm is relatively long in comparison to the humans. The major differences between chimpanzees and humans limbs are contrasts in relative proportion. Some anthropologists believe that fabrication could be a premeditation o bipedal. It was astonishing to me that humans brachia index is so similar to an otters but the otter was in no way designed to swing from a tree. It is also baffling to understand that a ring-tailed lemur, highest on the brachia scale, is closer on this index to an otter then too human. But we have the ability to climb and swing if we so desire. So it poses the question as to why the brachia index of the otter says it could swing from trees but the otter has yet to evolve this desire to do so. So what we can conclude from the brachia index is that the environment plays a significant role in evolving the ways in which animals move. Reference Elaine N. Evident, W. C. How to cite Brachiation Project, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Harrison Bergeron Study Guide Answers free essay sample
Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in the story or class discussion. oppression-  Be able to define each term and apply each term to the story. calibrated-Mark (a gauge or instrument) with a standard scale of readings. consternation-confused amazement or fear cower-Crouch down in fear. hindrance-A thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone. luminous-Bright or shining, esp. in the dark. synchronizing-Cause to occur or operate at the same time or rate vigilance alert attention,watchfulness ince to shrink/flinch involuntarily especially in pain. anachronism-A thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, esp. a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned. example:In literature, I can quote Shakespeare from Julius Caesar, a play written in the 16th century about events that happened in approximately 100 BC . . . he plucked me ope his doublet and offered them his throat to cut. We will write a custom essay sample on Harrison Bergeron Study Guide Answers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page allusion- An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. xample: â€Å"I am no Prince Hamlet. â€Å" setting-The place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place: a peaceful country setting. example:When the weather was good, I used the tree house in my backyard as an office. What is the setting of the story? Mostly during the day in a populated country. satire-The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize peoples stupidity or vices What is the author satirizing? Harrison looks. point of view- The main theme of the story. theme- related events. From what point of view is the story told? 1st person What is the theme of the story? Everyone should have equal laws but people shouldnt be treated differently. III.  Answer the following questions. 1. What has guaranteed equality in the story? Harrison shooting and demands. 2. How old is Harrison 14 ? 3. What has happened to Harrison and why? He was shot because he demanded to be emperor and everyone should be equal. 4. How has the government made George and Hazel equal? Because theyre married. What does George have to wear? A hearing band. And what does this do? Sends out an noisy sound every 20 sec or so. 5. What does Hazel say she would do if she were Handicap General? Ignore people 6. What is the name of the Handicap General? 7. What is the consequence for taking lessening the weight of the handicap bag? The louder the noise. 8. What reason does George give for not trying to cheat? That he’s sorry. Because of this reason, what can we infer about George’s opinion of the current laws? He hates them. 9. Why wasn’t the news bulletin clear at first to the George and Hazel and other viewers? Because the anchorman was stuttering. 10. Why did the ballerina apologize about her voice? Because it was deep and manly. 11. What is the news bulletin? Harrison is missing. 12. Describe Harrison Bergeron with all of his handicaps? Heavy scrap chains about 300 lbs, glasses that make him half blind,and a headset 13. What does Harrison declare on television? He’s emperor and that every handicap should take off there headset. 14. What happens to Harrison? Be specific. He was dancing with his empress and he was in the air and the general shot him before he reached the floor.
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